Premiered 1991 Soho, New York City.
Remounted October 1992 at Downtown Art Co. in New York City.
Presented by Via Theater.
Conceived, written and directed by Brian Jucha
in collaboration with
1991 Cast: Kevin Amalia, Josie Chavez, Sheryl Dold, Kristen Lee Kelly, Barney O'Hanlon, Megan Spooner, Lisa Welti
1992 Cast: Sheryl Dold, Tamar Kotoske, David Neumann, Barney O'Hanlon, Tina Shepard, Megan Spooner, Lisa Welti
Lighting design: Roma Flowers
Set Design: Sarah Edkins
Costumes: Kasia Walicka-Maimone
Assistant Director & Stage Manager: Robin Riddell
"Using a spare stage and pastiche deconstruction, Jucha and company serve up a Hitchcock-style murder mystery set in a nunnery, mixing up The Wizard of Oz, the Singing Nun, and the aesthetics of film noir. Irony mixes quite well with sex, death, spiritualism, and the Via company's inspired ensemble work. Women In Black comes across as a stylistic tour-de-force, much in the manner of the Ridiculous Theater or Bloolips-style outrageousness" - Theater Week
Publicity Photos: Talmage Cooley
Production Photo: Tom Brazil